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5 Fixes For Anxiety at the Dentist's Office

It’s no secret that millions of Americans have anxiety about visiting the dentist. Chances are that you, or someone you know, has fear associated with it. This anxiety can come from a negative past experience, anticipation of pain, the possibility of feeling rushed or unheard, or simply the smells associated with a sterile environment.

If you struggle with dental anxiety, you might not visit the dentist as often as you should. This can lead to oral health issues that actually end up requiring more treatment.

How can you overcome this anxiety and see a trip to the dentist in a different light?

#1: Carefully Select Your Dentist & Read Reviews

Unfortunately, not all offices are created equal. If you’re new to the Richmond area, or debating on switching to a different dentist, one of the best ways to determine whether this dentist is a good fit for you is to read reviews. Check in with a friend or relative that you trust, or review a few third-party review sites to get a sense of the practice. Here are a few of our recent reviews below:

#2: Share Your Concerns With Your Dentist

Once you’ve selected a dentist, it’s time to make your first appointment. When visiting Midlothian Dental Center, we make your comfort a top priority. Open conversation about your concerns is very important to us. Sharing information in a trusted environment allows us to adapt your treatment to what serves you best and makes you the most comfortable.

#3: Bring Headphones

Here at Midlothian Dental Center you are welcome to wear headphones and listen to music. In fact, if the sounds of the equipment elevate your anxiety, this a great way to overcome it.

#4: Make Your Appointment When You Won't Feel Rushed

We know that you probably have lots of other items on your to-do list, so we suggest selecting an appointment time on a day when you won’t feel rushed. This could be first thing in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on what your schedule looks like.

#5: Opt for Sedation Dentistry

If you have a high level of anxiety around needles or noises, sedation could be your answer to a relaxed dental appointment. Sedation is also helpful for those with bad gag reflexes, sensitive teeth or difficulty becoming numb. We offer two different types of sedation at Midlothian Dental Center, an option administered in pill form and an option for IV sedation. Below are a few common questions and concerns when it comes to sedation:

  • You will be monitored throughout the entire duration of your treatment. Vital signs are constantly monitored.
  • You will not be unconscious. You’ll be in a deeply relaxed state and responsive.
  • You will not feel any pain during the treatment. Conscious sedation uses a sedative to help you relax, as well as an anesthetic to block pain.
  • Depending on your treatment needs, you will be deeply relaxed from two to six hours.
  • Someone will need to accompany you to your appointment and drive you home afterwards.

If you have any questions about comfort care or sedation before your appointment, please give us a call at (804) 794-4588.

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