Teeth whitening

How To Get Whiter Teeth

If we asked every single one of our patients what they’d most like to improve about their smile, chances are they’d say whiter teeth. This comes as no surprise as having a bright white smile is a serious confidence booster, especially in situations like interviews and first dates. There are a number of over the counter options available, but the results are minimal and short-term. Midlothian Dental Center, however, has the latest whitening technologies that will last a very long time.Before we dive into cosmetic solutions for whiter teeth, let’s look at what can turn our teeth yellow in the first place.

What You Eat and Drink

Unfortunately, our favorite drinks like coffee, tea, soda, and red wine are the biggest culprits behind stained yellow teeth. “Intense color pigments called chromogens that attach to the white, outer part of your tooth (enamel).”

Tobacco Products

The tar and nicotine from tobacco products can cause some serious yellowing of your teeth. Not to mention all of the other health-related problems that come along with it. For more information on quitting, visit the How To Quit site from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.


As we age, the outer part of our teeth (otherwise known as enamel) begins to thin due to years and years of brushing. Behind the enamel is dentin, which is naturally more yellow in color.

Medications You May Take

“Tooth darkening can be a side effect of certain antihistamines, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications.” If you undergo any type of radiation such as chemotherapy, you may also suffer from yellowing teeth.

Whiten Your Teeth

There are a number of over the counter options available to whiten your teeth. These options include whitening toothpastes, whitening strips, and other bleaching products. While you may be tempted to pick up one of these products during your next grocery trip, we highly recommend you call your dentist to discuss more permanent whitening options.Here at Midlothian Dental Center, we offer three main whitening treatments: ZOOM!® Whitening, Professional At-Home Whitening Gel, and dental bonding or veneers.ZOOM!® Whitening is the most popular here at our office for the following reasons:

  • It’s affordable
  • Whitening is completed in one visit
  • We use a low-heat Zoom!® Light to activate the gel, penetrating the enamel and removing deep stains and discoloration
  • In about an hour, your teeth will be up to eight shades lighter

If you choose to go with at-home whitening treatments, our team here will custom-fit and mold trays to your teeth to use with the whitening gel. This ensures you get an even, natural whitening effect that is customized to your teeth’s unique structure.Veneers are the most permanent and most expensive option, but also offer you the most dramatic results. Using computer imaging and before-and-after photos, we work with each patient to decide on the style, shape, and color veneer that works best for the smile you’re looking to achieve. We also offer a 5-year guarantee!Unlike veneers, dental bonding doesn’t require anything to be sent away to a laboratory in order to create a customized mold. With bonding, chipped, misshapen, discolored, or damaged teeth can be fixed seamlessly in one visit. Bonding is one of the easiest cosmetic dental procedures, making it one of the most affordable.For more information on which teeth whitening solution is best for you, give our office a call today at (804) 794-4588 for a FREE consultation!

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