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Natural Foods That Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

We’re big fans of our in-house whitening treatments here at Midlothian Dental Center. However, we have a few tricks up our sleeve on how you can whiten your teeth at home as well. By choosing foods that help produce more saliva, and have lactic or malic acid in them, you can naturally whiten your teeth.

We should be clear that eating foods that naturally whiten teeth doesn’t produce the instant results that you would experience with our Zoom! Whitening treatment. (So if you’re interested in learning more about which whitening treatment would be best for you, please give us a call today to set up your consultation (804) 794-4588.)

Now, back to foods that can help whiten your teeth naturally!

Foods That Help Produce Saliva

Did you know that saliva is a natural cleanser for your teeth? According to the American Dental Association, “When saliva flow is reduced, oral health problems such as tooth decay and other oral infections can occur. Chewing is the most efficient way to stimulate salivary flow.” Therefore, foods that make you chew longer, such as fibrous fruits and veggies, will help you produce more teeth-cleansing saliva. Some foods that fall into this category are:

  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Pineapples

Foods With Lactic Acid

If your mom told you to drink milk to build strong bones and teeth, she was correct! Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt contain lactic acid and calcium. Both lactic acid and calcium can help build strong teeth and also help whiten them. 

Foods With Malic Acid

Strawberries and watermelons both contain the malic acid enzymes and are said to have bleaching properties. This means eating both strawberries and watermelon could result in lighter teeth. Malic acid works like a natural astringent, helping to remove tooth discoloration. No matter how you eat these fruits, whether whole or in other desserts, you’re whitening your teeth at the same time.

Other Ways To Brighten Teeth At Home

Brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis is one of the best ways to keep your teeth nice and bright. Most of us have been brushing our teeth twice a day for most of our lives. But if you’re brushing wrong, it could jeopardize your oral health. Make sure you’re brushing the inside of your teeth (not just the outside), and spending time around the gumline, as bacteria likes to hang out around your gums. To ensure you’re not making any potential tooth brushing mistakes, check out this blog: Are You Brushing Your Teeth Wrong?

If you or a family member is due for professional dental cleaning, please give our office a call today to schedule an appointment (804) 794-4588.

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