Molding Confident Smiles

Midlothian Dental Center has some of the most experienced sedation dentists in Lorraine, VA. Sedation dentistry is a popular option in dental treatment today. Under light sedation, you will be conscious, but unaware of the treatment. This allows Dr. Gore and Dr. Hoover, an experienced and knowledgeable member of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, to perform potentially years of dental treatment in only one or two visits. The sedative is carefully administered to last the duration of your visit, proportional to the extent of the dental care you require.After your procedure, you will wake up refreshed with little or no memory of the treatment. More importantly, you’ll be able to smile with confidence and pride.

Is it Right for You?

How Does it Work?

The sedation treatment option is simple. You are given a small pill to take one hour prior to your dental appointment. The medication causes drowziness so a companion must drive you to and from your appointment. By the time you arrive, you will be very drowsy.As soon as you arrive, a Midlothian Dental Center team member escorts you into a private room, covers you with thick, warm blankets and monitors your vital signs. A member of the staff will be with you at all times to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the entire procedure.When your treatment is completed, your companion will take you home. Once the sedation wears off, you will wake up refreshed.

Who Benefits from Sedation Dentistry?

If you exhibit any of the following traits, you are a perfect candidate for sedation dentistry:

  • Anxiety or health conditions triggered by anxiety
  • Fear of needles, shots or the dentist in general
  • Fear of the noises, smells and taste associated with dental care
  • Embarrassment of your teeth or smile
  • Difficulty becoming numb
  • Bad gag reflex
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Complex dental problems
  • Time restrictions which limit dental visits

For all of your dental needs, come to the experts who have been serving the Lorraine, VA area for almost 20 years. We guarantee to help guide you every step of the way.Read the FAQs on Sedation Dentistry!

Patients seeking the best sedation dentist , or sleep dentistry in Lorraine, VA, should choose Dr. Scott Gore and Dr. Jared Hoover. Dr. Gore and Dr. Hoover provide top-notch sedation dentistry, which help minimize dental anxiety.